Spy Valley Riesling


Spy Valley Riesling

2022, Marlborough New Zealand
  • Silver medal (NZ Int'l Wine Show 2023)
  • Dry style Riesling with plenty of mouth puckering citrus flavours!
  • Named after a Spy Base in Marlborough
  • Try with seafood, pork, Thai or other Asian dishes
NZIWS Silver
RRP $26.99


They look like a couple of over sized, misplaced golf balls but they are in fact a satellite communications monitoring station (otherwise known as a spy base!) right there in the Wairau Valley, Marlborough.

These guys consistently produce award winning wines, particularly in the aromatics (Riesling, Pinot Gris, Gewurztraminer). We like to think of this one as 007-Riesling – but their cover has been blown with a stash of awards from wine shows all over the world over the years.

We love dry style Riesling like this – it’s crisp, zesty and refreshing as well as being super versatile when it comes to food. You can crack it open the moment it arrives on your doorstep or cellar it for the next 3-7 years and watch it develop.

Try with seafood, pork, Thai or other Asian dishes.

  • 12.5%
  • 750ml
  • Screwcap
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Spy Valley Riesling
Spy Valley Riesling 2022, Marlborough New Zealand
$23.99 RRP $26.99