Farnese Fantini Pinot Grigio IGP

This how the Italians go Pinot Gris (aka Pinot Grigio!)

Farnese Fantini Pinot Grigio IGP

2021, Sicily Italy
  • Pinot Grigio (Italian style Pinot Gris)
  • From Sicily, Italy
  • A dry, crisp, thirst quenching style white
  • Out of stock

    RRP $23.99


    Out of stock


    You might remember this label used to have lycra-clad cyclists on the bottle (Farnese were the sponsors of the Giro D’Italia cycle race). They’ve ditched the men in tight shorts and gone for a much better modern, stylish looking label (thank god).

    These guys have a global rep for being one of the best value Italian wine labels around and the good news is the juice behind the new label is as good as ever too.

    Pinot Grigio is simply Italian style Pinot Gris and it’s a much more dry, crisp, thirst quenching style than you get with most Kiwi Gris.

    A great style for those looking for a drier style white wine, or simply want to branch out and try Gris from another part of the world. Great with or without food – if you do want to bust it out at the dinner table try pairing with simple white meat or fish dishes in light sauces and serve nicely chilled.

    Pronouncing Italian wine names can be a bit of a mouthful, but don’t let it put you off.

    Farnese (pronounced far – nay – see) is the producer
    Fantini (pronounced fan-tee-nee) is the name of the label
    Pinot Grigio is the grape
    IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) is the third level of a four tier Italian wine classification system (DOCG, DOC, IGP/IGT and finally Vino da Tavola, table wine or as we call it…plonk for plonkers!)

    The Lowdown: 12.5% alc / 750ml / Screwcap
    Browse Wine | White | Pinot Gris | 2021 | Farnese

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