It’s bloody good Chardonnay and it’s doing its bit to save planet earth, one bottle at a time. For a mass produced, mass exported, household name you’d find on every supermarket aisle end (you might remember them as Montana wines back in the day?) you’ve got to hand it to Brancott Estate – when they set out to make an eco-friendly wine label they’ve done it to the nth degree.
It’s called Living Land Series and they’re doing their bit for Mother Nature – and then some! Replanting native vegetation, revitalising NZ wetlands, returning indigenous bird species to Marlborough, the lot. Hippies and animal lovers will be stoked to hear that this wine is certified organic by BioGro NZ and one dollar from every bottle goes to helping the NZ falcon return to its original habitat in Marlborough.
Lean, green and totally mean this Chardy has amazingly ripe stonefruit and citrusy flavours with just a touch of oak – perfect with fish and shellfish dishes.
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