George Wyndham Bin 555 Shiraz

Mass produced with massive value!

George Wyndham Bin 555 Shiraz

2021, South Australia Australia
  • Gold medal & 95/100 (New World Wine Awards 2023)
  • Often holds the spot for top selling Shiraz in Australia & NZ
  • Medium to full bodied, rich red from South East Australia
  • Crack into it with fillet steaks, snarlers, meaty pizzas or tomato based pasta dishes!
New World Wine Awards Gold
RRP $17.99


Big production Shiraz and often holding the top spot for Australia and NZ’s number one selling Shiraz – mass produced or not this label has won enough gongs over the years to justify a bigger price tag that’s for sure.

George Wyndham was one of the first chaps to plant Shiraz in South Australia back in 1830 – no surprise then he’s got the nickname “The Father of Australian Shiraz“. Quite a legacy, no pressure then on the modern Wyndham family!

A medium to full bodied, rich red like this needs fillet steaks, full flavoured sausages, meaty pizzas or tomato based pasta dishes to go with it.

  • 14.5%
  • 750ml
  • Screwcap
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George Wyndham Bin 555 Shiraz
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New World Wine Awards Gold


George Wyndham Bin 555 Shiraz
George Wyndham Bin 555 Shiraz 2021, South Australia Australia
$13.99 RRP $17.99